Tribal Tattoos Photo Gallery

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Concerning all Tribal styles the division in black and white is important. Not only of what has been tattood must have a good shape but also the parts that have been left blanc must also be well shaped. Besides it is more beautiful that the shapes follow your body contours. The balance with Tribals and Ornamentals are very important. That is the reason why it is so important to have a tattoo done by someone who understands the different styles.

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Skin&Ink Tattoo magazine article about Captain Bret's Celtic Tattoos

The Celtic tribes
The old Celts lived mainly in England and Ireland (before also in France). Round the year 1000 the Celtic civilization gradually disappeared. Typical of this style is interlace, spirals, dogs, birds and humans

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The Maori tribes
The Maori originate from New Zealand and have traditional facial tattoos (moko) and special leg tattoos. This tattoo style, that shows a lot of resemblance with the wood carving of the Maoris, is typical for its spirals. Under influence of the missionaries the traditional Maori tattoos disappeared round 1900. In those days the Maori were hunted for their (tattooed) head as a trophy.

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The facial tattoos of the Maori were individually designed and there for never copied from each other. According to the legend the facial tattoos were made to be recognized by friends and family once deceased. According to the story the light goes right through you when you are dead, but your tattoos show who you are. Since 1980-1990 there is an uprising of the tattoo phenomenon under the Maori in New Zealand. For the Maori a tattoo means inner strength and mastering this inner strength.

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The Haida tribes
The Haida (Indian tribes) lived on the Northwest coast of America. This style of tattoos, which shows a lot of resemblance with the woodcarving of the Haida, thunderbirds, beavers, bears, fish and woodcarving are very common. The pictures are mainly about the Indian astrology. The Indians believed that you partly take over the strength of the animal when having such a tattoo. The Haida style is a forceful, masculine style.

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